Friday, June 28

Water - can't live with it, can't live without it...

The lesson of the day is "be careful what you wish for."  Last year we couldn't buy a drop of rain, and this year it's getting crammed down our throat.  We are in the top 5 all-time wettest Junes.

As we enter our 4th straight day having a saturated golf course, the frustration is setting in.  I can sense it in the members, the golf shop, and certainly myself and my staff.  Carts can't get out, things can't get mowed, the greens are soft, the range tee is closed, and one of our best revenue streams (carts/guests) is severely limited, and people just get grumpy.   There's just not much to be done when it gets like this, and the golf course conditions suffer.

Please bear with us as we do our best to get things in some sort of shape.  We have been using squeegees and pumps to get as much water off as possible.  Today, we will begin using push mowers around greens and lightweight trim mowers to try and tackle as much of the rough as possible.  During times like this, it's the best we can do.

On the bright side, the steady rains have been in lighter, more frequent shots.  Unlike year's past, we have not had the big 2-4 inch dumps that take the creek clean out of the banks and shut the course down completely.  It's been a half- to one-inch chunks which at least keeps the major flood damage away (by the way I hope you all are "knocking on wood" at this point to avoid the catastrophic "jinx" I just likely initiated).

Above all, thanks for your patience and understanding as we attempt to battle what mother nature keeps hurling at us.

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