Wednesday, January 11

Ohio Golf Courses Struggled in 2011..........DUH!!

Below is a link to where they interviewed the head of the Northern Ohio PGA Section about the struggles in the golf market this past year.  While it was certainly a difficult year for the golf industry as a whole, I did NOT know that Ohio was the hardest hit in terms of rounds played.  While we weren't as bad off in terms of overall revenue, we were by far the leader in rounds lost relative to the previous season.
I believe that a part of this is directly related to the economy in general.  Unemployment is high yadda yadda yadda.  Overall, however, the weather was by far a bigger component.  Spring and fall had record rains, and the summer had record heat.  Not a recipe for great golf activity.

Highland Meadows had the lowest rounds in years, but near the top for the entire area.  This is a great testament to our dedicated and active membership.  Let's hope for a better 2012!

Click the link below to get the hard numbers:

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