Wednesday, May 6


In 10 years here at the club I can honestly say that the rumor mill has never been more active.  I have been approached almost every day by members, guests and acquaintances concerned about things they have heard.  Finally, I want to put all the rumors to rest.  The rumors are in-fact true. After 7 years of hard work, planning and politicking, we are now filling the pool with our new irrigation wells.

Over 200 gallons a minute pouring into the pool from the new wells.  Crystal clean water too!   No iron, no sulfury smell just good clean stuff.  We did have it tested by our pool professionals to ensure no issues with metals, silt or chemicals, but it tested great.  And the flow through the 2" hose at 100 psi will fill much faster than the 1.5" city water feed at 50 psi.
We are still working some minor bugs and "odds and ends" to get the pump house finished (I would like to throw a loud ARGHHHHHH!!!! out to all of my frustrating contractors - cmon man!) but the end is in sight.  The new computer software is getting more finely tuned and adjusted to work with the new system and we have had a couple of successful overnight waterings so far.  I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to water the course with good clean water from a reliable, sustainable source for the first time in history.  Kudos to all of the members, committees and boards that supported this project - this water will serve you well for decades to come.  Our days of managing dams and creeks and pumping sludge (or nothing) powered by sketchy electrical infrastructure are behind us.

Monday we put in the high pressure blow off and heat exchanger drain line underground to grab the existing drain tile on the range.  
We had one more power wire to put in for the north-side satellite controllers that was on the old power lines.  Once the new line conditioner is installed by an electrician, we will be able to completely abandon our old pump station.
Okay, so maybe that wasn't the rumor that first popped into your head.  The other little rumor that has run through the club is also true.  May will be my last month at Highland Meadows.  First of all, I want all of you to know that it had absolutely nothing to do with job satisfaction.  I love this place and will forever be appreciative of the opportunity to serve you these past 10 years.  This club, despite some interesting and obvious "quirks" is a wonderful place to work. You have been so supportive of my efforts, whether I failed or succeeded you supported me and respected me.  In short, you let me grow.  I know in my heart I am leaving the club with better conditions and with a very clear path to the future.  The committees and boards are more engaged and more active than any other time in the club's history and you are poised for some seriously exciting improvements.  Despite some very loud opinions of select individuals, I believe that most of this membership is ready for positive change and you have leadership in place now that knows how to get things done.  I am a little jealous that my successor gets to walk into such a good situation to do some really fun work here.

The real reason I am leaving is entirely family related.  As most of you know, I am from the Pacific Northwest.  This past January, my wife's research operations were "downsized" by her company.  This initiated a job search and ultimately landed her a tremendous executive opportunity that we could not pass up.  It just so happened that opportunity will take us back to our home state of Washington.  We will be living in the greater Pullman, Washington area known as the Palouse.  My wife and I both graduated from college there and my wife graduated from high school there as well.  If you have never heard of the palouse, I encourage you to Click here for google images of the Palouse.  It is one of the most interesting and beautiful places in the lower-48 and we are so excited to be headed closer to both of our families.

I cannot thank you enough - especially my loyal blog readers - for the interest and engagement in what we do down here in the grounds department.  Interacting with and educating the membership is perhaps my favorite part of the job and I know that for some of you it enhanced your experience in the club.  Hopefully you learned a little more about what we do and why we do it.

I will keep you up to date for the next couple of weeks before I pass the torch to my successor.  As much as I hope to shake hands or hug just about every one of you, I know that likely will not happen and for that I apologize.  The future is bright at Highland Meadows and I will miss you all.  (Well maybe not quite all - you know who you are).

Good Luck - I wish nothing but the best for this "grand old place".