Happy New Year! 2015 is off and running and the course is perfectly nestled under a layer of snow. The Grounds Department staff (what's left of it) is busily preparing equipment, course accessories, budgets, and their brains for another great season. As you can imagine, there's not many things that may be of interest to the golfer happening right now. The construction and electrical work are almost finished in our new Range House/Pump Station. As much as a photo of a light switch may be good news to me, I'm sure you can use your imagination. In fact, as of today, the most interesting thing I can document is that we just finished sand-blasting and repainting all of our course ball washers. We have painted them black instead of the traditional "1960's country club green". A slightly new look for 2015 that will tie in better with our new upscale accessories we put on the range last year. We are also standardizing the height and making several repairs so they work a little better for us.
Aside from the fascinating world of ball washers, I did happen across a really nice article from the USGA about winter play, frost delays, frozen greens and other issues we deal with every fall/winter. I took some heat this past fall for leaving the golf course closed on several occasions due to freezing/thawing/winter conditions. The below article from the USGA explains everything in nice detail. If only they had posted it last fall when people were giving me grief!
Click Here for USGA Article on Winter/Cold Weather Play
I hope 2015 has started out as well for you as it has for me. I am exciting to begin my 11th season at Highland Meadows. April 16th will be my 10-year anniversary and I am looking forward to many more.