The recent heavy snows have served as a nice hint that it's time to start tending to our winter shop work. The last couple of weeks have allowed us to get started on some much needed pruning as well as the last bit of work to put the course to bed for the winter. Dormant fertilizer has been applied to greens and tees, while the last few dead trees have been dropped, stumps ground and filled.
Cody with a heartfelt "goodbye" to the season cleaning up some limbs. |
We get as much done from the ground as we can and will rent a bucket next year to tackle some of the higher jobs. Much pruning still to do. |
A little "dormant feed" that will help things come up kicking in the springtime. |
While we all head into the peak of the holiday season, I would like to wish you all the happiest of times with you and yours. It has been a rough season, but we came out the other side in pretty good shape. I couldn't have survived without your support and encouragement and I look forward to a great year in 2014. I will be back with updates on our water project after the new year. We are still haggling with Toledo Edison to get the details hammered out and should have a proposal in place shortly after the new year.
Also, I would like to thank you for your contribution to the employee holiday bonus fund. While it is difficult to find and keep good people in a seasonal business, your support goes a long ways to help us out.
Happy Holidays to you all!