After years of pulling the same cores from the same depth, it has become evident that the fairways here at the club are in need of some different attention. To manage thatch, we performed an aggressive 'de-thatching' using an old seeder attachment. This machine removed much more material from the thatch layer than core aerifying.
The fairways have developed a 'pan layer' which is a compacted zone just below the surface at the normal coring depth. To alleviate this compaction and allow for better water and root penetration, a 'deep tine' cultivator was used to poke and heave the subsoil.
Our old Rodgers Seeder attachment ripping the fairways six ways from sunday. Look at the thatch fly! |
The thatch mess left behind by the vertical mower.
The 'deep tine' machine punching holes 5-6+ inches deep and 3/4" in diameter. |